Known Issues / Limitations
This article outlines the known issues and limitations in YQueue OMS. As we fix issues (and release the fix to all users) we'll remove the issue from this list and reflect the update in What's New.
If multiple printers are linked, immediately after upgrading to v3.1 kitchen slips only print on the default printer
With the introduction of split printing, outlets must now configure and associate zones with menu items and printers in order to control which items print on which printers, otherwise everything will be printed on the default printer.
For more information, see this link.
Multiple Versions
[Android] Black bar artefact when switching from landscape to portrait
On some Android devices a "black bar" or "black line" may appear across the middle of the screen. This issue is caused by a third party library. A workaround is to adjust the display size settings on the tablet. For more information, please see this article: