The TSC TDP-225 is a commercial-grade label printer that is ideal for high volume merchants that require consistent printing performance and reliability.
Things to note
- YQueue OMS only supports Ethernet/LAN models of the TDP-225 at this time.
- You should assign a static IP address to the printer before linking it to YQueue OMS.
- If you need help with this step, contact your YQueue account manage for assistance.
The label printer isn't printing, what do I do?
Ensure that the label printer is connected via the LAN cable and that the indicator light is a solid green. If the light is flashing amber or red, ensure there are sufficient labels in the printer (and they have been fed correctly). You should also follow the below calibration steps.
The label printer is "skipping" or repeating labels, what do I do?
Power off the label printer and follow the below calibration steps.
Note that OMSv3 will detect that the printer was disconnected and suspend printing. To avoid any further labels printing, you should restart OMS before performing the printer calibration.
The label printer wasn't calibrated and won't stop printing, what do I do?
Power off the label printer and follow the below calibration steps.
Note that OMSv3 will detect that the printer was disconnected and suspend printing. To avoid any further labels printing, you should restart OMS before performing the printer calibration.
How do I calibrate the label printer?
- Power off the label printer.
- Hold down the feed button while powering on the printer until the indicator light starts flashes red.
- Release the feed button.
After a few seconds the indicator light will return to a solid green and feed a number of labels.